Mohammad Hasan Alabandi
EAP1 – Section D
Our main target was to find out why students use The Recreation Center. My hypothesis for our main goal was “students use The Recreation Center for health purposes”. After survey both SIUC American and International students, we found out that it is true that students The Recreation Center to become more healthy; in addition, we had two more additional goals. First, we wanted to know who is more interested in going to The Recreation Center. My hypothesis was that American are using The Recreation Center more than Internationals do, and students’ responses were as expected. Second, we wanted to know why students do not use The Recreation Center? My hypothesis states that students have no time to visit The Recreation Center everyday. Most students’ responses matched my hypothesis, which made it true. Me, Mohammad Solan, Larissa, and john worked on this survey together. We collected our surveys from students around the SIUC campus, The Student Center, and The Recreation Center. We ended up with 82 surveys 48 of them are males, and 34 females. 42 are Americans, the rest are Internationals. There were 10 questions in the survey. 3 of them to prove our hypotheses, and the rest were chosen to know the students’ background about exercise.
In this survey I have learned a lot about Americans students. They were more concerned about health and exercise than the students in my country; furthermore, they consider time management a very important thing in their life, and rather have a regular exercise schedule than showing up at The Recreation Center randomly.
After I finished my survey, I found that the answers I had were so general and did not focus on the survey topic. I suggest for people who want to do surveys choose more narrowed questions about the topic, and try to avoid multi-answers question because it dose not give accurate answers. When I tried these questions in my survey, most students gave me some random answers because they were confused with which answers to choose.