Reference: Stuart (2010, May.17). Why Should College Students Exercise? Retrieved on (12, Feb. 2011, from
The best ways to reduce stress and to enhance student’s performance are doing regular physical exercises that will make students active and energetic to cover all of their activities. Many kinds of exercise such as sport games help students to be alert and outstanding; on the other hand, students should manage their time to get the higher benefits of physical exercise. Moreover, student can control their widget by doing regular exercises, and they can control health problem when they eat fast food. In addition, in order to be successful, exercise will make more confidants to reach your goals.
In my opinion, I agree with the author in so many points. Exercise is one of the best ways to help students to be successful. Regular exercises give students bower, alert, energetic. Some students have problem to manage their time in academic live which is affect their performances, and their health. Lake physical exercise effects students health; on the other hand, physical exercises make students outstanding. As we know, that the stress reduce the immune system functions, which expose students to come down with a lot of diseases. At that time, these diseases sourly will affect their success. Exercises reduce the obesity of students; consequently, students will focus in on their goals instead of stress that comes from the obesity. From my opinion I recommend all students to do regular physical exercises to be alert, confident, healthy and successful. I like what the people said in the past “sound mind in a sound body”. In the end, what is the first step to be successful student? I am very sure that doing regular physical exercises is the first step to be successful.
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